اُردو نظم میں مشرق بطور سیاسی وحدت (اقبال، راشد اور سلیم احمد کے خصوصی حوالے سے)


  • Dr. Ambreen Munir GCW bund road Lahore


Iqbal, Rashid and Saleem Ahmad are remarkable poets in their respective eras. An important theme in their poetry is the depiction of political, social and economic aspects in the Eastern World. The three poets have different ideologies and writing styles. However, they all promote unity, peace and prosperity in the Eastern nations. The aim of this research is to draw a   comparison among the three poets and highlight the way in which they depict the issues of the Eastern world.




How to Cite

Dr. Ambreen Munir. (2024). اُردو نظم میں مشرق بطور سیاسی وحدت (اقبال، راشد اور سلیم احمد کے خصوصی حوالے سے). Tahqeed, 5(01), 110–132. Retrieved from https://tahqeed.pk/index.php/tahqeed/article/view/119