ناصر کاظمی کی شاعری میں آسمان کی معنویت


  • Dr. Salma Sadiqi Assistant Professor, Government Degree College Wapda Town, Lahore
  • Dr. Majid Mushtaq Govt. College University Faisalabad


It is the pride of retrospect that Nasir remained unharmed by the migration but considered himself alone in the new country. And this expression of the feeling of loneliness came out as a major theme of his ghazal. He also used the term sky interchangeably to express the feeling of loneliness. In such poems, sometimes only the sky seems to be their friend, sometimes even the sky feels like a stranger, sometimes the loneliness increases so much that even the moon descends across the sky. Somewhere, Nasir's waking eyes take the form of stars tied with tickets. However, the use of the sky and its paraphernalia in expressing loneliness is remarkable. And in all these poems, the blackness of the night on the sky does not only increase the meaning of loneliness, but also gives rise to its atmosphere of fear. In this expression of the feeling of loneliness, the term sky seems like a spectator. It seems that the sky is completely silent in the form of the historian of time on the decay of humanity in a silent world.




How to Cite

Dr. Salma Sadiqi, & Dr. Majid Mushtaq. (2023). ناصر کاظمی کی شاعری میں آسمان کی معنویت. Tahqeed, 4(01), 262–271. Retrieved from https://tahqeed.pk/index.php/tahqeed/article/view/88