Analysis of Colonial Impacts in Abraham Jalis Fiction


  • Dr. Nazia Younis Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, NUML Islamabad


Colonialism, East India Company, Post-Colonialism, Subcontient, imperiorlism, ruling class, exploitation


Colonialism is the maintenance of Political, Social, Economic and cultural domination over people by a foreign power for an extended period. The long rule of the British Empire over most of NorthAmerica, parts of Africa and Sub-Contient is an example of colonial domination. Sub-continent was administered by colonical-rule for more than hundred years. Colonialism might have had culture breaking the natural unity of the sub continent inhabibant and starting new discourse which only spread confusion amoing the populace colonialism and its adverse effects on the society is one of the main subject of Urdu literature both in fiction and poetry. In fiction novels and specially short stories depicts the atrocities subjugation and exploitation of the ruling class. Short story writers like Sadar Hassan Manto, Rajindar Singh Baidi and Ibrahim Jalees. We can see colonialism and its effects on society in the short stories of Ibrahim Jalees like Chalees carore Behkari, Choor, Relief funds and others.




How to Cite

Dr. Nazia Younis. (2021). Analysis of Colonial Impacts in Abraham Jalis Fiction. Tahqeed, 2(2), 56–66. Retrieved from


